Saturday, January 08, 2005


It has been my dream of many years to spend a year in the mountains with a couple of horses, a dog and myself, moving through the mountains learning about nature and life from that vantage point. Over the years I've gotten close to doing it, but the time is always in the dead of winter when it comes to my forefront. As in now. I'd very much like to start my Journey, but I would much rather start it when the weather is nice. I'll be there when it get's bad, but I want to know the lay of the land by then, and have a routine set up before the weather hits....

Add to that, I've meet someone that means a lot to me, and going away for a year could (and would) bugger that up. Guess that means my dreams are set aside again for a few more years....

Equipment wise, I am VERY close to where I want to be. I have almost every aspect of what I need, except for the second horse and the gear for a horse...

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